Zishan Group was awarded the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brands"


On September 30th, the Commerce Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Market Supervision Bureau of Zhangzhou City jointly reviewed and announced the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brand" recognition list, and Fujian Zishan Group Co., Ltd. was recognized.

In the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brands" list, in addition to Zishan Group, there are 18 other brands selected. These brands each have their own characteristics and together form the brilliant galaxy of Zhangzhou's commercial economy. Being selected as a "Zhangzhou Time honored Brand" this time is not only a recognition of Zishan Group's past efforts, but also an incentive for future development. As a member of Zhangzhou's time-honored brand, Zishan Group will continue to uphold its original intention, further strengthen brand building, enhance brand influence, and strive to build Zishan into a well-known brand with more international influence.




The last one:The 40 Year Development Path of Zishan Group

The next one:This is the last one

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