Zishan holds Mid Autumn Festival staff lottery activity, full of joy!


The full moon brings people together, and the Mid Autumn Festival arrives. On the morning of September 14th, on the occasion of the festive season, the group's labor union carefully organized the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival employee lottery activity, aiming to allow hardworking employees to feel the warmth and fun of collective activities while busy.

The event site is filled with a joyful and peaceful atmosphere everywhere. This lottery event has set up awards such as special prize, first prize, second prize, and third prize. With the progress of the lottery, the atmosphere on site gradually heated up, and lucky employees were excited to receive their own prizes, with happy smiles on their faces. On site, welfare for Zishan employees and union members was also distributed, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.

Zishan sincerely thanks every employee for their hard work and selfless dedication. At this warm and joyful moment, we hope that this event can bring everyone a surprise and warmth. At the same time, I also wish all employees a happy holiday, family happiness, and reunion!


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