Proactively providing on-site assistance to help enterprises develop steadily


On the afternoon of June 27th, Zhou Shaobin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Zhangzhou High tech Zone, led a team to visit and conduct research on affiliated enterprises, emphasizing the need to deepen and expand the deployment of the "deep learning and competition for excellence, daring to be the first, and practical work and competition for effectiveness" action plan, implement the "thousand cadres affiliated with thousand enterprises" assistance activity, actively assist and solve difficulties, stimulate enterprise vitality, safeguard enterprise development, and promote the stable and positive development of the private economy in Zhangzhou High tech Zone.

Zhou Shaobin and his delegation visited Zishan Group Co., Ltd. to gain a detailed understanding of the company's production and operation, product sales channels, technological research and development innovation, and other aspects. They had a face-to-face discussion with the president of Zishan, Hongshuihe, to discuss the current difficulties and obstacles faced by the company, and coordinated on-site solutions.

The main leaders of Yancuo Town and relevant responsible persons of the district's functional departments participated in the research.


The last one:Brilliant 40 Years, Achievements in New Zishan

The next one:Remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the red genes

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