Zishan group won "consumers love canned products in 2020"


The Sixth Expansion meeting of the Fifth Council of China can industry association was successfully held in Shanghai on November 9. About 200 people attended the meeting, including Liu Youqian, chairman of China canning industry association, and representatives of member units. At the same time, Chen Ji, director of law enforcement and Inspection Bureau of State Administration of market supervision and administration, sun Lu, deputy director of food department of consumer goods department of Ministry of industry and information technology, and Chen Guihua, director of barrier division of trade relief Investigation Bureau of Ministry of Commerce, were also invited.

At the end of the meeting, the list of "consumers love canned products in 2020", "satisfied packaging suppliers of canning enterprises in 2020", "satisfied equipment suppliers of canning enterprises in 2020" and "excellent distributors of canning industry in 2020" were read out and awarded.

It is reported that in 2020, China's canned food industry's "whole food, canned delicacy" selection activity has strong repercussions, and has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life. In order to truly reflect the principles of fairness, fairness and openness, the selection activity adopted the method of combining online evaluation and expert evaluation, and finally selected 31 "consumers love canned products in 2020", among which Zishan was ranked.

This award is highly recognized by consumers for Zishan products. We will, as always, adhere to the corporate mission of "providing safe, healthy and safe food for the society", and share with Chinese people with international quality.

In addition, Zishan also participated in the 11th Shanghai International canned food, raw and auxiliary materials and Machinery Expo (ccmf2020) and the 24th Shanghai global food exhibition, which were held at the same time, to show the brand and products of Zishan to consumers at home and abroad.


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