Zishan group special train for returning nearly 50 employees from other provinces



At 5:30 p.m. on March 1, after 56 hours and 3600 kilometers of running, two special buses carrying nearly 50 

Yunnan employees of Zishan slowly drove into the gate of Zishan group. Under the escort of Zhangzhou tra-

ffic police detachment, the special train arrived at the factory area of the company.


At present, the prevention and control of the epidemic is still the top priority, and resumption of work and 

production is also an urgent task. In response to the call of the government, Zishan actively participated in 

the transportation service guarantee activities of returning workers from "loving mother's family, returning to 

Zhangzhou in Ankang" with the support of the Management Committee of the high tech Zone and the Zha-

ngzhou Federation of trade unions, and 

orderly promoted the return of employees.


It is reported that the "special train for returning to work" bus is safe in the whole process. Before departure, 

all vehicles were fully disinfected, and Zishan also conducted health and safety investigation on the employ-

ees who met the conditions for returning to work, and established health records. Each vehicle carries the a-

nti epidemic materials and living materials prepared by Zishan, such as masks and ear temperature guns. In 

addition to wearing masks on the vehicle, body temperature detection is required when getting on the vehicle 

and on the way, and there is a special person to connect with the employees one-on-one, follow-up the whole 

process, and ensure the safety of the employees back to the company.

In addition, Zishan also contacted the professional medical testing center to carry out nucleic acid testing and 

sampling one by one after the arrival of the staff, and sent masks and apples to symbolize peace and security. 

After sampling, the workers conducted health observation in Zishan health management center, and then di-

smissed after receiving the test results within 24 hours. The results showed that the negative employees could

 go to work as soon as the next day.

"No winter is insurmountable, no spring will not come." We are confident that we will return to work in an 

all-round way.


The last one:Shao Yulong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, came to Zishan to guide the work

The next one:The 36th anniversary celebration and commendation conference of Zishan group

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