Reserve cadres

Reserve cadres

Number of recruiters: several

Gender: unlimited

Age: 20-30 years old

Education level: above high school

Salary and benefits: 3000-5000

Monthly rest: 2 days

Welfare restaurant, paid five insurances, and free air-conditioned dormitory

Welfare policy:

1. Boarding food and accommodation, with a large restaurant featuring a variety of stir fried dishes, snacks, rice, and more;

2. Provide free accommodation (6-8 people/room free of water and electricity fees), air conditioning, and public bathrooms;

3. The holiday benefits are continuous, and gifts are given during the Mid Autumn Festival and Spring Festival;

4. Organize large-scale cultural and artistic activities during major festivals to enrich leisure life;

5. Adjacent to the Zhangzhou high-speed train station, the transportation is convenient.

6. Route: Go to Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center Station and take buses 29 # and 901 # at the stopping platform - stop at "Xiagong Station" at Zhangzhou High Speed Railway Station (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes).

Contact person: Miss Zeng

Contact number: 0596-6667199; Zeng 13205969939


Company address: Zishan Industrial Park, Yancuo Town, Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province (near Zhangzhou high-speed train station)

Recruitment position

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